Medicine Buddha Mantra 药师琉璃光如来心咒 ; 药师佛心咒 ; 药师心咒
The Mantra of Medicine Buddha 药师佛心咒
Land of Medicine Buddha 药师佛净土中心 ; 药师佛净土
Mandala Medicine Buddha 药师佛坛城 ; 十相自在
The Medicine Buddha Mantra 药师佛心咒
Medicine Buddha Practice 药师佛共修
Medicine Buddha may help you out.
Q: as Amitabha Buddha has 48 vows and Medicine Buddha has 12 vows, when one practises either teaching, must he or she make the same vows?
Q:阿弥陀佛(Amitabha Buddha)有48大愿,药师佛(Medicine Buddha)也有12大愿,当我们学习任何一个佛的教诲时,我们是不是也必须发同样的誓言呢?
With pious hearts, US Tzu Chi volunteers in the San Dimas National Headquarters are also reciting the Medicine Buddha Sutra through the net meeting.